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Liberty Ranch High School
Galt Joint Union High School District is dedicated to enriching lives and building a caring and collaborative learning community by providing Adult Learners with quality educational opportunities and support services.

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About Us » Mission, SLO's, and Motto

Mission, SLO's, and Motto

Mission Statement


Our mission at Liberty Ranch High School is to provide educational opportunities in a safe, positive learning environment for all students empowering them to reach their full potential as productive, responsible citizens.


Student Learning Outcomes (SLO's)


The commitment of Liberty Ranch High School is to promote life-long learning, effective communication, and respect for self and others.


Liberty Ranch High School students are expected to be:


Healthy Individuals who make healthy, lifestyle decisions and establish positive relationships with others.

Academic Achievers who demonstrate a mastery of academic standards through critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication.

Well-rounded Citizens who understand global issues, respect diverse cultures, and contribute to the improvement of their school and community.

Knowledgeable citizens who apply learning and 21st Century skills to their daily lives and future experiences.

Self-motivated and persevere through challenges and progress towards their short term and long term goals.


Liberty Ranch High School-Instilling PRIDE in our community, one HAWK at a time by Promoting Respect, Integrity, Determination, and Excellence.

Liberty Ranch Alma Mater

Our pride is in knowledge

Our pride is in truth

And Memories we have

Of the friendships of our youth

Achievements we’ll forge

As the years fly by

When we look back on memories

Of Liberty Ranch High


Liberty Ranch Fight Song

 We are the soaring hawks

Watch how we fly

 Li ber ty Ranch

Fight for a victory.

 Hail to the Hawks

For their courageous play

 Using their strength

To take the win today.

 We are the soaring hawks

Watch how we fly

 Vic tor y

With honor and pride

 Let our voices be clear

We’ll put up a fight

 Hawk victory is in our sight.