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Liberty Ranch High School
Galt Joint Union High School District is dedicated to enriching lives and building a caring and collaborative learning community by providing Adult Learners with quality educational opportunities and support services.

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Attendance Information » Attendance Information

Attendance Information


Attendance Requirements:  Board policy states that unexcused absences from class exceeding 18 days are sufficient reason for a teacher to assign the student a failing grade for the class.  The student or parent/guardian shall be given a reasonable opportunity to explain an absence (Ed Code 49067).

Attendance Regulations

Students wishing to check into school late, or out of school early, must either have their parent call the attendance office, bring a note from a parent or a parent must personally check them into or out of school. Students must report to the attendance office to check-in or out.
  1. Absences must be cleared within three (3) school days of returning to school.
  2. Ed Code determines excused or unexcused absence.  (Ed. Code 48205)  Illness of the student, medical/dental appointment or death in the immediate family and reasons covered in law will be considered an excused absence. (Ed Code 48205). 
  3. Truancy is any absence without a valid parent/guardian excuse.  Students who are truant will face school disciplinary measures as well as legal consequences under state law.
  4. To leave campus you must receive an off campus pass from the attendance office. 
  5. Students with unexcused absences may be restricted from participation in school activities.  They may also be placed on attendance contracts. 
  6. Students’ grades may be effected by unexcused absences.  It is up to the teacher’s discretion whether to accept late work for unexcused absences.

Absences and Make-Up Work:  It is the responsibility of the student in every case to request make-up work and to see that the work is made up within the stated time limits.

Students shall be given the opportunity to make up school work missed because of an excused absence or suspension and shall receive full credit if the work is turned in according to a reasonable make-up schedule (BP 6154)(EC 48205). If the absence was for one or two days, the work must be made up within three (3) school days.  Longer absences require that the student and teacher make individual arrangements for completion of make-up work.  The teacher has the option to extend the time.  No student may be granted days beyond the final day of school in June for make-up work without prior approval of the principal.

Students who are absent because of an approved school activity are considered excused.

Students shall be given the opportunity to make up school work because of an excused absence or suspension and shall receive full credit if the work is turned in according to a reasonable make-up schedule. Teachers may require a suspended student to complete any assignments and tests missed during suspension. (Ed. Code 48913) Students who miss schoolwork because of unexcused absences may be given the opportunity to make up missed work for full or reduced credit. Teachers shall assign such make-up work as necessary to ensure academic progress, not as a punitive measure.



Period-Truancy (ABSENCES) Policy

1st and 2nd Unexcused Period Absence


Teacher calls home whenever there is a period absence

Teacher sends referral to office for assignment to Saturday School


3rd Unexcused Period Absence


Teacher sends referral to office for assignment to Saturday School

Teacher notifies counselor and cc’s Admin through e-mail

Counselor Intervention occurs, which includes a parent conference


6th Unexcused Period Absence


Teacher refers student to Assistant Principal

Saturday School assigned by AP

AP makes parent contact

9th Unexcused Period Absence


Teacher refers student to Assistant Principal

Saturday School assigned by Assistant Principal

Student is referred to M.T.S.S. (Multi-Tier System of Support)

Counselor and/or Assistant Principal conduct Parent Conference

12th Unexcused Period Absence


Teacher refers student to Assistant Principal

1st  SARB letter is sent to parent

Saturday School assigned by Assistant Principal 

12 or more Unexcused Absences after the date of the 1st letter


2nd SARB letter and scheduled SART meeting

12 or more Unexcused Absences after the date of SART Meeting

Student forwarded to SARB panel hearing

Questions? Feel free to contact our Attendance Clerk: (209) 744-4250 Ext. 6068.   Thank you.